Laminate Silicate and Lip Adhesives
Nafis Silicate Sepahan company is active as a liquid sodium silicate adhesive supplier required by the producers of detergents, tile and ceramics, carton glue, concrete glue, refractory and steel industries, textile and laminating industries, casting, plating, etc., to an unlimited amount. The company works in different ways and in all parts of the country.
Sodium Silicate can be transported through barrel, tanker or bulk with high quality and good price.
The Application of Sodium Silicate in Carton Industry:
It is used as an adhesion enhancer in paper pulp, carton making cardboard tubes, making glass wool barrels, pasting cardboard boxes, and as glue in packing lines especially detergents.
In paper mills silicate are used to bleach and remove ink. It removes ink from the paper pulp and helps to keep it suspended and prevents reassembly on the fibers. Silicates also stabilize hydrogen peroxide, which may be added to the ink-removal formula.